Wednesday, December 15, 2004

And Then There's Diego...

Yes, Diego.

What does Diego do? Good question. Usually he's in his office with
the lights off and his computer on the floor. He first stepped into
our office a year ago doing some remodeling and painting work. The girls in
marketing all remarked on what a perv he was.

"How are you today hot stuff," he would greet us with his sleezy grin.

Long hair and wife beater, he hung out for 4 days painting one office.
It was incredible. The pool on how long it would take him to finish
the whole building was a month. I think he was done in 5 weeks.

His deceased girl-friend apparently was the nanny for our boss's
children, before dying in a tragic car accident. And so that's how
Diego go in the door, a sympathy vote. He has apparently won awards
for his creative inventions with light bulbs. Though his light bulb
inventions are supposedly brilliant, his web site is absolutly
atrocious. I mean 80's neon coloring and gross flashy boxes. I can't
believe he's going to be working on our site redesign.

The lowly intern slash talented college student Monique has taught him
enough Photoshop basics to be functional. (While being paid half his

He has a wife, Cherie, (her real name has never been mentioned.) She
apparently wanted a visa to come to the US from France and Diego can't
keep his hands off her. Good pair.


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