Tuesday, February 15, 2005

That obvious, huh?

Since I don't go in to the producers tomorrow (school all day) & don't go back till Thursday, Mama Bear gave me my birthday card today (The birthday's Wednesday, as one might guess).

The over-whelming theme of said card was how hung over I'd be on the 17th . . . *whistles innocently*.

Yup, I think it's pretty safe to say that they're all well-aware that Mr. Happy Go-To is really Mr. Go-to Happy Hour. Heh.

Yet from all outward appearances, they still consider me a valuable addition to the staff . . . go figure!

Cheers!! ;)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

So long, Lilly!

As our readers are no doubt aware, the lovely Lilly has left the producers in search of better employment. But she promises me that she'll keep writing amusing anecdotes (*coughs and sputters in Sophie's direction*) about her time at the producers.

Yesterday was her last day in the office, and apparently the only day Grape thought would be needed to train others in what she does. I wasn't asked to learn her job (and was pretty glad too. The investors creep me out a little.)

I started my day setting up the network backups, talking to the phone company, then having to spend an hour or so very very patiently explaining to Glenda how the internet works and how we can offer tenants internet access and why we've just started doing it. (The building was mostly wired for it 10 years ago, but as with many projects around here, tons of money are thrown at it, but then Those In Charge get bored, fire whoever was spearheading it, or run out of money and abandon it.)

Another funny thing is Glenda has an MIS degree. Perhaps the hair dye seeped into her brain and erased whatever was in there, because she can barely turn the things on.

Anyhoo, I ran around doing odds and ends as usual, dreading the test I had to take in my night class and 4:00pm rolls around. I'm hoping I can slip out a few minutes early and beat the traffic rush . . . but nooooooooo. There's some huge problem at a satellite office of Mr. Tap Dancing's company . . . who we sortof work for/with or something. And Mr. Tap Dancing's sole remaining employee, Marge, is training with Lilly and also needs the phone (and all 6 phone lines) in our office . . . as well as her old computer.

Well, there's no way I can fix the satellite office problem before 5, but I manage to tackle the phone and computer issue, scrambling around, looking nervously at my watch as the minutes tick by . . . get it all up and running, test it out, then BOLT out the door.

It's a shame I had that test too--Lilly wanted some of the staff to meet up w/ her for a sendoff dinner . . . Such is life . . .

Friday, February 04, 2005

Inquring Minds Want to Know...Where Are You, O-Space-Man?

O-Space-Man likes many things. Besides speaking in third person, he likes The West Wing, rolled up Quads over Boats, and he likes a healthy dose of well-written commentary. Thus between working diligently at his new job, working diligently on freelance work, and balancing his impeccable social resume, O-Space-Man is relentlessly editing his thoughts to bring you the most wonderfully witty and scathing comment possible.

Thanks for your patience.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Lilly got a job offer!

I received a job offer today! Yeah! No more negative work environments. No more shitty pay. Bring on the ethics, bring on the training and bring on hot studly bosses! Well I didn't actually get the last one :(.

I'll let you know how my resignation goes tomorrow. I haven't decided whether to give a full two weeks notice or not yet. I may tell them I'll stay the full two weeks if they agree to write me a letter of recommendation (which Mama Bear said they don't do). They may just tell me to fuck off. I really don't know.

I think we need to pass on editorial rights to employees still stuck with the Producers. I think that is the best way to keep this blog going. New faces, new points of view. Of course always dealing with the same old shit because nothing will ever change! Mr. Happy Go-To and the intern for starters.