Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Brilliant Brainstorming Meeting

Today we had one of the longest, most boring brainstorming meetings
ever. It dragged from 1:35- 3:57.

I kept dozing in and out, trying to perfect the
look. Yes, you know the one.

Alli, one of my dearest coworkers, is leaving tomorrow. I'm glad
she's moving on to better things, broader horizons, but how I will
miss her!

"The Eagle" slowly (and with as much techie speak as possible) went
through our Task Board while we tried to strategize how to maximize Ad
revenue (and meet the challenge of staying awake.) As Alli was
dozing out at one point she actually propped her feet up on the table.
Her little feet, in her purple tights, looked like table little

Monique and I glanced over and had to stifle a giant burst of laughter
deep into our stomachs. I saw "The Eagle's" eyes get large and dart
away. Alli heard our stifled laughter, perked up, and let her feet
drop back to the floor.

I wondered - is she trying to be as rude as possible (as a last
good-bye)...but no...that's not like Alli. She must be in a real
stupor of a mental doze.

I heard some suggestion about including an Evites links on our site.
Evites. Invitations-via-e-mail. The proposed affiliate is charging
$12.95 to invite 5-100 people out to dinner. That's insane!

Feeling compelled to voice my opinion, I woke up and vocalized the
absurdity of the proposed price. It's understandable if you're
inviting 50 people out, but for 5? Unreasonable! Why don't they
charge per invite? I suggested our programmer take a look at that to
see if it could be changed. Before long, Alli was suggesting me for
market research on the project. Fine. I'll practice e-inviting
people to lunch for the next hour, and compare pricing in the process.

As tasks were being assigned I heard myself saying, "yes, but I don't
think I have enough to do." My voice echoed in my ear. What was I
saying? Why am I such a natural workaholic? I spend my share of time
web browsing, but I get sick on it, and I beg for work because I WANT
to be working. Because I enjoy working, and honestly, I like the

Alli's eyebrows raised and the Eagle assigned me some some of the
programmer's project briefs to take over. She doesn't alway
understand, I'd rather be busy, it makes the day go by.

The Eagle was bewailing our inability to communicate directly with
Google about our programing dilemmas. "They call me at home when I
send them as e-mail," I blurted out without thinking. "I e-mail them
about the Ads on my personal blog and when I get home there is usually
a message on my machine."

The Eagle's eyes looked scrupulous. "Well, they do," I repeated.

The obvious question came next. "What's your blog about?"

"Oh, just life, you know, my life," I muttered. I watched Monique put
her head in her hand.

"And do you have 25,000 people a month reading it?" the Eagle inquired.

"No! I doubt I have 25 people a month," I replied.

"I'd love to read it!" Mini-me chimmed in eagerly. (No way on earth,
I thought.)

"Maybe we could link to it from our homepage," Diego roared as he
burst out laughing.

Monique, Alli and I again tried (unsuccessfully) to keep straight
faces. If only Diego knew the hilarity of his suggestion. Why not
spotlight The Producers? Fresh content in the "About Us" section!


Blogger thehotlibrarian said...

I was just passing through and wanted to tell you that your stories are very entertaining. I also work in an insane place, so I was totally relating!

2:41 PM  

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