Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Grape Gets Me To Come In Sick


I woke up this morning, totally exhausted (my mom and I have the West Wing 1st Season on DVD we've been watching it from 11-1 every night.) Between that, packing, and my cold it was about time for a sick day.

I woke up at 8:15 and called into let everyone know I'd be out for at least the morning. The Grape answers the phone, I tell her,

"Good morning "Grape" this is Sophie. I just wanted to let you all know that I feel awful this morning, sore throat, and I slept in a bit but will be in by 1pm hopefully. I think it's the flu that's going around."

"So you slept in?" the Grape replies.

"Yes, well, I'm just feeling awful, but I don't want to call in sick for the whole day," I say

"Fine. I'll tell your manager (the Eagle) that you slept in," she said.

"Could you please tell him that I'm not feeling well. I didn't just sleep in for no reason."

"Look Sophie, I'm in no position to LIE to your supervisor. If you slept in, I'm telling him you slept in. I wouldn't LIE for any employee here. If you sleep in and tell me, I am under obligation to make that known to your bosses and supervisors. "

"Can you please just tell him it's personal then. The reason I'm not coming in is I'm having a PERSONAL problem. That's all there is to it."

"Sophie, you already said you slept in. I believe you slept in. Because you already said that, I must report that. That doesn't appear to be too personal to me," she staunchly repeats.

(I happen to know it's a law that if you say it's personal, your company is not allowed to ask or report why you are not at work.)

"Can you please tell him that I'm not feeling well," I implored one last time.

"I'll let him know, you may be in this afternoon, if you get up," she concluded, hanging up.

This was such a frustrating conversation. Arrrrr. No longer feeling like staying in bed, I immediately got in the shower, got dressed, purposefully did NOT brush my hair or put on make-up, drove to Starbucks, got a pepermint mocha, and stumbled in around 9:20. (Only 1 1/2 hours late, rather impressive if you ask me.)

I enter with a fit of coughing and tell the Eagle that I managed to make it in. He looks surprised and asks me what's wrong. I mutter something about the flu.

"Oh, I heard you just slept in," he said. Naturally.

I go by the Grape's office and let her know I decided to come in.

"Oh, hello dear, are you feeling better?" she asks in her sweetest I-care-about-the-staff-only-when-the boss-is-looking voice. "You look bad, you should get some rest. Call in sick!"

My jaw just dropped. That thought hadn't occured to me, now had it. Does she realize how annoying she is?

"Well, I feel awful, but I want to finish my project," I replied and stumbled off to find my desk.

I wouldn't encourage ANYONE to work here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The grape gets nasty huh? She was always nasty in a kind way, but to be so abrupt about the sleeping in thing - who put sandpaper on her toiletseat?

Do not feel mad at grape. She is a pathetic overachiever who nobody really likes -even those who she's determined to impress treat her like dirt and she knows it.

Squish the grape!

And as for my new job. It is fabulous and *reputable*. Am feeling v. vindicated, as will you my darling. Please come in late more often, and yes, you must think of a really big f- you send off as briefly discussed in that dark parkinglot in Longwood on Monday.

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not that it matters, but a bit of O-Space brilliance for you here: never call HR. call your favorite boss directly. go through the receptionist.

1:53 PM  

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