Tuesday, January 18, 2005

"Things are going to change!"

It’s so hilarious to observe Charlie in the “I’ve had it stage.” This stage normally lasts a few days to two weeks. It’s when Charlie demands that things are going to change. No more him and mama bear doing all the work! But then after a few interviews (it’s just a few because our recruiting is so slow in responding back to applicants that most of them have found jobs by the time we call) and Charlie not liking any of them (because he is the most pickiest guy I’ve met) he goes into the “I’m just going to have to take over the recruiting myself” stage. I just laugh to myself every time he complains because this has been going on for a year now (that I’ve witnessed, probably longer) and nothing ever changes. He never does anything with recruiting except bitch about it. Again, it’s hilarious. This company is in such a vicious cycle, that I’ve come to the conclusion, Charlie creates and will never do anything different to change it. So we are constantly under-staffed, and therefore as Charlie puts it the work is shuffled up the ladder instead of down. He has created, in my mind, his own hell. Yes, you have to develop good copping skills to be such close witness to this chaos. In case it’s not clear, Charlie consistently complains about things and never actually does anything about it. Well today he says “in a few days this all stops!” Ha ha, we’ll see, or maybe he’ll surprise us. Maybe the change is me. I’ve been dying to get fired from this hell hole for awhile now but in a way that I can still claim unemployment. I’ve never done that and never really thought about it before. But it will hurt them financially in doing so and I need a good break after doing this for almost two years to bring myself to normalcy. Is that so wrong?


Blogger Crush said...

Mama Bear will never work less. She's OCD and incapable of sitting still for a micro-second. If somehow, miraculously, someone took away all of her office duties Charlie will send her on silly missions. And even if *that* got taken all off her shoulders . . . I dunno . . .she'd probably start obsessively re-arranging office furniture and picture frames.

I will say, for the short time I've been with The Producers, Charlie hasn't seemed to snoop around spying between bookcases . . . he's been more of the phantom-in-the-phone . . . jumping from deskphone to deskphone--and occasionally faxing something over with barely readable scribbles, changing documents ever-so-slightly . . . that and dealing with irate investors seems to be pretty much all that he does . . . aside from munching on cereal.

11:46 AM  

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